
"This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended diagnose, treat,cure or prevent any disease"

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My way of saying Thank You

Uncle Stan’s CBD

        My name is Stan Guthrie, I am 65 years old and passionate about the benefits of CBD. I myself am disabled and struggle with a number of health conditions. In 2014, I was diagnosed with arteriovenous malformation, a very rare condition where the blood vessels, arteries and veins tangle in the spinal cord. Upon diagnoses I was put into immediate surgery and for years had to receive lidocaine treatments. After years of being disabled with little relief from treatment, I decided to find and create my own.

        Uncle Stan’s CBD LLC is a small local business, just starting off this past year. Our hemp plants are produced and grown in Southwest Michigan and our CBD products, both salve and oil, are homemade. We have gone through all the requirements to make our products both safe and legal for our customers. Our products are analyzed to make sure each have the correct amount of CBD as on the label and no impurities. Including an analysis of the THC level being under the legal requirement of under .3%. Pictures of the COA’s, (certificates of analysis) for each of the 5 products are included as the final image when viewing them on this website. 

        We would love to bring these products to places all over Michigan, from a close/local source. Our mission is simple: to help people get through life with a little more ease.

        Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have! Our email is: unclestanscbd@gmail.com